Metaphysical Ordained Minister

under the 

International Metaphysical Ministry

Our Ministry 

International Metaphysical Ministry has over 7,000 active ministers in 120 countries worldwide. Over the past half century, the IMM has become the world’s largest transpersonal, transcendent, theocentric, holistic New Thought Metaphysical Ministry. This has been accomplished as a result of the open-minded, spiritual outlook of its founder, Dr. Paul Leon Masters.

The Metaphysical Ministers are educated in ancient exoteric and esoteric wisdom accumulated by humanity throughout history. Some of this knowledge has been transmitted secretly from generation to generation. It involves transpersonal, psychical, psychological, yogic, and mystical knowledge, fused harmoniously in logical and divine proportions. Our main goal is to share this wisdom and its benefits to improve the quality of life of the individual, society, humanity, and any other possible levels of existence.

As Metaphysical Ministers and Metaphysical Practitioners, we have the legal right to provide the following services:


El Reverendo en Metafísica es conocedor de la sabiduría exotérica y esotérica, acumulada en la historia de la humanidad. Una parte de esta sabiduría se ha transmitida secretamente de generación en generación.  Esto abarca, entre otros, el conocimiento transpersonal, psíquico, psicológico, yogico y místico, fundido armoniosamente en proporciones lógicas y Divina. Nuestro principal objetivo es compartir esta sabiduría y sus beneficios para mejorar la calidad de vida a niveles, del individuo, la sociedad, la humanidad, y otros posibles niveles de existencia.

Como Ministro en  Metafísica Ordenado y un Médico Metafísico tenemos los derecho legales para proveer los siguientes servicios:

Curación Metafísica

Consultas Metafísicas

• Ceremonia de boda

• Funerales

• Rito bautismal

• Adopción de niños

• Ceremonia de divorcio